Yoga Teachers... Help Your Students Resolve Pain!

Discover the Neuromuscular Hack that Decreases Discomfort and Increases Mobility in Any Yoga Asana, In 10 Seconds!

Get Access to this 3-Day Mini Course and Learn Neuromuscular Techniques for Yoga Asana That Will Transform Your Teaching and Students’ Experience.

Dive in for Free Now! [Limited Time]

  • Know Yoga Asana "From the Inside Out" Through Neuromuscular Anatomy
  • Learn the True Sources of Pain/Limitation and Quick Solutions
  • Confidently Provide Adjustments and Variations with Immediate Positive Impact

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Meet Your Teacher

Doug Ringwald

With a rich background as a neuromuscular trigger point therapist and Coaching The Body® Master Practitioner, Doug brings powerful insights into your hands.

Overcoming personal battles with chronic pain and transforming the lives of hundreds, Doug's mission is to now empower yoga teachers like you.

With a blend of knowledge, authenticity, and directness, he’s here to help you unlock your full potential as a yoga instructor, grounded in the wisdom of yoga and the precision of neuromuscular science.

In this FREE 3-Day Mini-Course, You'll Learn How To:

Unlock Neuromuscular Secrets

Grasp the keys to neuromuscular anatomy, paving the way for teaching excellence and deep understanding.

Overcome Pain Relief Hurdles

Learn techniques that actually work, moving beyond traditional methods that fall short.

Achieve Teaching Mastery

Step into your power as a confident and sought-after yoga teacher, equipped with the knowledge to transform your students’ practice.

Get Your Pass To Go From Anatomy Confusion To Confident Teaching

Imagine guiding your struggling yoga students to pain-free mobility, quickly and confidently and all within scope of practice. With Neuro-Hacking Yoga, that vision becomes your reality.

This mini-course is your first step towards not just understanding neuromuscular anatomy but applying it in ways that revolutionize your teaching and your students' experience.

Say goodbye to the frustrations of ineffective pain relief methods and hello to a new era of confidence and growth in your yoga business.

Tired of Guessing?

Neuro-Hacking Yoga is the proven solution to turn ineffective methods into a past tale, ushering in a new chapter of success and satisfaction.

We respect your privacy. We never share your information.

"Before 'Neuro-Hacking Yoga,' I felt like I was guessing when it came to helping students with their pain. Now, I not only understand the 'why' behind their discomfort but also how to alleviate it effectively. My students notice the difference, and my classes have never been fuller. Doug’s approach is a game-changer."

- Jenna, Yoga Instructor