$22.00 USD or more

Correct the 3 Big Pain Perpetuators Yourself!

Save yourself a lot of pain, time and money.  Learn to self assess and correct the 3 big pain perpetuators.

What you'll learn in this online video course:

  • Foot hyperpronation, self assessment and correction.
  • Leg length discrepancy, self assessment and correction.
  • Hemi-pelvis discrepancy, self assessment and correction.

These are the prime factors underlying most pain problems, yet almost no one is aware of them.  Correct these (very simply and cheaply) and many pain issues melt away.

If you don't correct them, relief through whatever method (bodywork, chiro adjustments etc.) will not be lasting.

I prefer to offer this knowledge super affordably by a minimum donation, so anyone in need can afford to help themselves.  If you can, please consider donating more than the minimum so I may continue to provide courses to all who struggle with pain. 🙏